Mark Sprague
My Business

I own and operate Lexington eBusiness Consulting, a technology consulting firm specializing in product development, search technology, SEO and social media.
My Blog

I've written extensively about Technology, Search Engines, SEO, Social Media and Enterprise Optimization. There are over 50 articles that provide insight into the above topics.
My Column

I also write articles for about consumer search behavior and various other internet technologies.
Social Media

LinkedIn:  Personal
LinkedIn:  Company
Twitter:  CMarkSprague
10th Special Forces Group

This is my personal website that deals with who I am, where I've been, my life experiences and things that interest me.

Little Guy in Panama
Morgan Silver Dollar
When we lived in North Carolina my grandfather came to visit us from Nevada one summer. During the visit he gave me a 1921 Morgan Silver Dollar, which I have managed not to lose over the years.

The Morgan dollar was a United States dollar coin minted from 1878 to 1904, and then again in 1921. It was the first standard silver dollar minted since production of the previous design, the Seated Liberty dollar, ceased due to the passage of theCoinage Act of 1873, which also ended the free coining of silver. The coin is named for its designer, United States Mint Assistant Engraver George T. Morgan. The obverse depicts a profile portrait representing Liberty, while the reverse depicts an eagle with wings outstretched.